Ines Gavran
Toronto Fraud Forgery White Collar Criminal Defence Lawyer
Financial crimes listed in the Criminal Code are serious and carry imprisonment sentences, including full restitution.
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Consult with Criminal Defence Lawyer in Toronto
Criminal Defence Lawyer defends money laundering forgery fraud charges – Toronto, Brampton, Mississauga, North York
White collar crime is a catchall phrase for a number of Criminal Code offences considered as financial crimes, including money laundering, bribery, forgery, credit card fraud, and tax evasion. One of the more common white-collar crime offences is fraud. While the term “white-collar” is evocative of sophisticated business executives, criminal fraud charges are far more commonly brought against middle-class individuals. White collar crime criminal charges can result from a Ponzi scheme, or, for example, for using someone else’s credit card without their permission. Fraud, bribery, forgery, like most criminal offences that are financial in nature are highly complex cases with important considerations that have to be taken into account. Defending criminal charges of financial nature requires not only the understanding of criminal law, but also understanding of financial documents such as banking documents.
White Collar crime
What is White Collar Financial crime?
In fraud cases, the Crown Attorney must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a person has defrauded either the public or a person of property, money, valuable security (collateral) or any service by falsehood, deceit or any other fraudulent means. In other words, fraud involves two elements: 1) dishonesty and 2) risk of deprivation. Dishonesty can result from a deliberate lie, deceit (ie. not an explicit lie, but a deliberate misrepresentation of the truth) or any other fraudulent means, which can include omitting to provide essential information or any other action that a reasonable decent person would consider dishonest.

Punishment for White Collar Financial Crime
Financial crimes listed in the Criminal Code are serious and carry imprisonment sentences, including full restitution. The sentences for fraud are heightened when the amount at stake exceeds one million dollars, or for example, where the stability of the Canadian economy is adversely affected. For instance, where the amount of fraud is under $5,000 the maximum sentence is 2 years imprisonment, whereas if the amount is greater than $5,000 or if the fraud relates to a testamentary instrument (such as a will), the maximum penalty is 14 years imprisonment. If the amount is greater than 1 million dollars, there is a minimum imprisonment sentence of 2 years.
At Gavran Criminal Defence, our philosophy is that dedication, attention to detail, well prepared strategy and effective advocacy is what secures the best results.
If you are charged with fraud or any other financial crime, call Gavran Criminal Defence immediately at (647) 624-6324 to schedule your initial consultation.
Call Toronto-based Criminal Defence Lawyer Ines Gavran today!